Jan. 23, 1995.
Here is some information about the Reptoids that are
sometimes seen in our skies. I want to give these people
all the respect that they deserve because I don't want
to be flamed by them.
We have revieved much about the lizzies, the Anunnaki of the ancient Summerians, but let us now take a close look at the nature of our creator gods. The Pleiadian Plus group, as we have seen, refers to our "creator gods" and founders of the ancient Sumerian civilization, as the "lizzies" in order to inject some humor into a situation that might be ocnsidered terrifying to humans whose consciousness are encountering them for the first time. These creatures are said to be part human and part reptile. They are said not to exist in time as we know it, and exist mostly in other dimensions where they are said to live for thousands of years. There are said to be benevolent beings amongst the lizzie population, but a vast majority of our creator gods were tyrannical and did not honor life or understand their connection to life, even that of their own creations. Furthermore, and most importantly, we should know something about the lizzies because they are reportedly soon going to re-enter our dimension in order to try to continue to control us.
Let me remind the readers that, while the lizzies did participate in at least one of the genetic manipulations that created we modern humans, and, therefore are properly called our "creator gods", our creation is much more complicated. The ultimate human creation stems from the Prime Creator of this universe. Futhermore, most of the entities between humans and the Prime Creator involved in our creation were positive entities who had the highest intentions of love and light in our creation. Despite the endeavors of the lizzies and other regressive ETs to control us, all humans, by accepting our own dark sides and those of others, can turn toward love and light and escape the negativity of the lizzies and others. Part of the procedure of spiritually evolving beyond the lizzies and other regressive ETs is to understand their natures and motivations.
The descriptiosn of the lizzies by the Pleiadian Plus group depict them as amazing creatures. But Pleiadian Plus is a very esoteric group by earth standards; so what "earthly evidence" for the existence of the lizzies do we have?
I studied all of the cylinder seal illustrations of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization I have around my study, to see if anything like a lizzie is depicted. Most of the "gods" of the Sumerians and later Mesopotamians, when depicted, look very human, some of them look bird-like, but I found none that looked like it may have been a lizzie. Sitchin states and implies that the Mesopotamina "gods" were a lot like we human primates in his books that cover Mesopotamian history. In all of Sitchin's excellent books that cover Mesopotamian history, there is not one reference to anything like a lizzie.
The reader will recall that most of the Sumerian accounts of history were written on clay tablets at around 2,500 B.C. Many of the history stories, usually written in what we would call mythic form, are about events that took place prior to the flood. This includes the Adam and Eve story, the references to the descendants of Adam and Eve, and the story of Noah and the Ark. The reader will recall that the evidence is the that these portions of the Bible, written around 1,000 BC., were borrowed and edited selectively from existing accounts of history, mostly from the tests of Sumer and later Mesopotamian civilizations.
As we've seen there is a large body of religious literature not in the Bible that also deals with the period before the great flood. Most of these works have been hidden and/or an attempt was made to destroy them, or they have been selectively excluded fromt he Bible or otherwise suppressed. This is part of the giant cover-up, part of the duping of humankind. Certainly the ETs who have endeavored to enslave and control humankind do not want humakind to know of their ancient, pre-deluge past. These creator gods certainly did not want humankind to know of the true story of human "creation" (that we were created to be slaves and dupes) and the true nature of our creator gods, the lizzies.
We have already reviewed some of the work of R. A. Boulay and his book, Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past, in chapter 5. We saw that Boulay lists several historical sources of infomration about the lizzies which were excluded from the Bible. We recall that Boulay uses such works as the Book of Jubilees, three books of Enoch, the Haggadah, or the oral traditon of the Jews, the recently discovered Dead Sea Scrolls, and other works to document the existence of the lizzies and their behavior toward humans.
JW And so we leave the lizzies to rest for a while.
Part 1.
Source of Information: Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins, by Dr. Authur David Horn.
John Winston.